Dear Yogi’s, family members and tribe, now is the time to deeply integrate all the wisdom that you have received. We take pride in offering this service to the community and hope that you find it as important as a tool for integration as we do. Currently we offer three classes weekly. Two classes at 1030am on Tuesday and Thursday morning at beautiful Runyon Canyon Park. And for an even higher experience join us Tuesday evening indoors at LA Mother, a beautiful indoor share space in the heart of Hollywood. We get Galactic! Laser shower star projection, yoga flow, sound bath and more. We hope that you can join. The revolution starts with you!
As always, we offer these classes to the community by donation to make them accessible to all. Suggested donations are $5 and up for Runyon and $10 and up for LA Mother and $20 when we have a special guest. We greatly appreciate your donations, monetary or other, but if you are unable to donate do not let that disable you from coming to class. Please come regardless of your financial situation. The most important message that we can relay is to pay it forward and be of service. All we ask is that you create a mindful practice in your life and cultivate your potential to be of service.