Good Day Yogi’s, we hope you had a fun filled weekend with some relaxation and grounding. We had a fantastic weekend, staying local and honing our skills. On saturday we took back to back workshops with Miranda Rondeau, a frame drum master and vocalist. It was an honor to have her share her gifts an talents with us in a safe and sacred space. Click on her name for more info and upcoming workshops. We also had a great time putting our new found skills to use at a local drum circle in Griffith Park with our dear friend Parker Howell. Look for these new found tools to make their way into our classes. Frame drumming and vocals. All in all it was a great weekend. Plus this week we have a very special musical guest, Joshua Komer plus Zach Morillo. Also, our indoor class has changed to thursday night this week, 730pm at LA Mother. Repeat, our indoor class has changed from Tuesday night to Thursday night this week only. Ok, well that’s about it for now. and be sure to stay posted on facebook at Yoga Galactica. With Love, Siri and Kamala